Technology is changing education in the United States in many ways.
In this course there are several goals. One goal is to help you decide what kind of teacher you want to become and how you plan to use technology in your content. This decision is important; because it can affect how your students learn as well as how hard you will have to work.
Technology has the potential to make you, as a teacher, both more effective and more efficient. It can make you better instructors, but only if you understand technology and how it can influence student learning. Technology use is also tied to teacher professionalism.
Another goal in this course is to provide you with a technology knowledge base that will assist you in making professional decisions about your teaching and student learning.
For your first assignment you will read and view various articles and video pertaining to technology and student learning. You will learn what students want from their teachers and how they want to learn. The students you will be teaching are considered: Millennials, NET Generation, or Technology Natives. As you read you should consider your own set of beliefs regarding how students learn and how you want to teach. What goals you have set for yourself as a future teacher regarding technology, and how you see the integration of technoloyg in your teaching career.