WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria

The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.

On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the Bernie Dodge site for webquests or Tom March.

This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.

Blog Assessment

1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Class 9-17-08 Comments

Before next class do the following:
1) Post a comment to two (2) classmates on their blog about the Halloween Web page they created. When you receive a comment respond back to at least one of them.

2)Belcw click on comment and anwer the following:
What do you think about Google Docs?
How would you use Google Docs in the classroom with your curriculum, students, and practice.


Bridgette said...

I think Google Docs are great. I use them everyday at work at it is nice because we can all be out our desks working on the same project. Sometimes they can be frustrating when it doesn't update quickly and you can't see what others are doing. Also since it doesn't have as many features as Word some things are harder to do in Google Docs. In my classroom I would use Google Docs to store my documents as a back up and a place where I can keep all of my lesson plans, and easily find them no matter what computer I am using. I would also use it to collaborate with teachers of the same grade, we could all share a document and put our ideas on or we could use it to create a lesson plan together. Another way I may use it is to have students work on group projects together. That way they can do their own work but also do it together.

Cassie said...

I was really confused at first but with help finally figured out what I was doing. This would be great for students so you could have them read about the subject and then could have a class discussion. They wouldn't have to search for hours and it would be very convienent. It helps to communicate and let them talk to you without too much hassle.

Mrs. Segbefia said...

I think that it is something that I really want to learn to use well because as a teacher it would be nice to collaberate with teachers in your grade level all around your school. You can even get input from other people you may know without having to take time completly out of your schedule to meet together. You can communicate and even help your students in ways that you never could before.

Unknown said...

I really like Google Docs. I think it will be a great tool to use to collaborate with other teachers. In my classroom I would use Google Docs to store documents and use as a back up. It is easy to use and a convient place to store everything I would need for my class!!

Mrs. Rogers said...

I really like using the docs. I struggled at first but when you went through it with us and we had partners and did that assignment it helped. The only down fall to docs is that there isn't as much options on it as there is in a word document. The link tool won't work with images, just words. There isn't as many options for text format either. Other then that I loved it. This was awesome to learn!

Anonymous said...

I'm still confused about it. I thought it was a great lesson and i feel it will be very helpful for students.I know once i get the hang of it then it will be something I will use.It will be nice to see other teaches schedule as well. This will be a good source so we can collaborate more.

Mrs. Mecham said...

I think Google Docs is still a little confusing, but I think the things you can do with it are really cool. I really liked how you can work on the same project with a group and you can all be at a different computer, it was cool that when you would type in anything it will automaticly save it to the people in your group that are working with different computers.
I think Google Docs would be fun to use in a classroom to do what we did in class. You could split the kids into groups and have them make their own web page.

Lori Staheli said...

Now that I have figured out how to use Google docs, I really like them. It's easier for me to create something in Word and upload it instead of creating it there. In the school setting, I would use them to collaborate with other teachers and have students work together on projects. I am glad we learned about Google docs and will definitely use this tool in my career as well as personal life.

Mrs. Gustafson said...

I thought this was great. I was skeptical at first but once we were able to get going as a group I started to really like it. In my classroom I would like to be able to use it with my students and instead of having them create posters have them get in groups and create simple web pages like we did for their assignment.

Leslie said...

I'm going to use Google Docs all the time now that I kind of have the hang of it. I loved collaborating with another person on the same document. That will be very helpful when I teach because getting other teachers' imput is so important. I also love that I can store all my personal documents there and they will never get lost or misplaced.

Stephanie said...

I like that I can collaborate with others on one document. But I really don't like how limited I am in Google Docs. I really prefer to use Corel Word Perfect, because it is much more user friendly.

Wendy Ahlman said...

Hello, I really like Google Docs. I love the fact that we can back up our documents this way. It's nice to have that peace of mind especially when your jump drive could get lost or your computer could die, (or get lost)

I like the idea of being able to collaborate with others even when I can't be with them physically.
There are many ways you could use google docs in the classroom. I could give an assignment similar to the one we had in class. In this case though instead of having the students work on a document together in class, you could have them do it at home if possible. This helps in collaboration and time spent on the phone. Thank you for exposing me to this feature. Wendy Ahlman

em said...

I was actually surprised that I liked using DOCs. When it was first introduced to me, I thought that is was nothing new from what we were using and that it would produce the same results like Mircosoft Works, or some other publisher. But, it proved to be more help than what I had thought. I think now that I have become familiar with the program that I could now see myself using it. I see it as a way that I will be able to communicate with my friends and classmates as we work on projects because they will be able to change things on it to help me out. Also, if I end up teaching upper end grades, I could use it for them to write papers and it would allow me to change things on it and help them up, giving them a chance to check it at home or where ever they might be able to access a computer.

amber said...

I really enjoyed using google docs. I really like how you can organize and keep all your documents online. I will be using it for personal use from now on. I like having access to the docs I type at home, on a school computer without having to carry anything around. I want to use it in my classroom for group assignments and presentations. It would be great to pair up kids in different areas of the room and have them write a paper together on google docs. It is so nice for collaboration. I think the students would also enjoy peer editing assignments more through google docs. I am glad we worked through this in class, I had never heard of google docs before.

jennyo said...

I like google docs. I think it can be easy to use once you get the hang of it. I think it would be great to use in the classroom such as we did tonight, also to post letters to parents on upcoming events and activities, etc. It makes it easy to communicate with students, parents, other teachers, etc.

Mrs. Barlow said...

I'm still not so sure about google docs. It seems a little confusing still, but I'm sure I just need to spend time familiarizing myself with it. It was fun when kirsten and I messaged back and forth on it though. It could be a great tool to collaborate with other teachers. I really like how others are able to edit the documents.

Anonymous said...

The thing I like about Google Docs the most, is the fact that you can do group work, and not even in the same place, let alone, the same room! It just makes things so much easier! As a teacher, I would use Google docs for group projects. My students could learn about an event in class, and then go and create a we site about it so others may view their take on what they learned.

UtahGlamGals said...

I think Google Docs are a great tool to use. I love how tow people can work on the same document simultaneously. This could be a probelm if it does not update quickly, however. I also really like the fact that I will be able to store and access many documents.
The main thing I did not like about is the fact that it is not as user friendly as Word.

Seven Times Lucky said...

I liked Google Docs! It was a little bit slow, but I think that it was because everyone was on it. I would like to use google docs with other teachers in my grade in the school I am working at because it would be so beneficial to have their input in editing and creating. I liked the fact that we could all be on it editing with each other. It was fun!

Coverting Power Point Slide to a JPEG

Self Esteem

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