WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria

The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.

On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the Bernie Dodge site for webquests or Tom March.

This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.

Blog Assessment

1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Class Tonight 9-15-08

Class goes by way too fast. By Wednesday 9-17-08 have completed the following:
1) A class calendar for the month of October. This calendar should be geared toward the grade, subject, and students you want to teach or are teaching.
It should be full of events, assignments, parent inforamtion ect... Think like a teacher what goes on during the month of October. You can use items you are working on in other classes that you will be using in the field.

2) On google docs write up information about halloween that you would want to share with elementary students. You can use pictures along with text. Here is a websites that may help: History of Halloween
You can write about the information you learned from the video, history of candy, foods,etc...

Don't stress over this assignment, have fun with it, use the website that is posted, and create a document (which we will publish) picking one area to tell about Halloween. The website has several areas you can pick from.

Pick two classmates to share your Halloween document with.


Mrs. Segbefia said...

I think that it is something that I really want to learn to use well because as a teacher it would be nice to collaberate with teachers in your grade level all around your school. You can even get input from other people you may know without having to take time completly out of your schedule to meet together. You can communicate and even help your students in ways that you never could before.

amber said...

I really liked using google docs. I worked with Alex on my pumpkin facts page. It was great that we could both edit the same page at the same time. There were a few things that I had trouble with. But, the more I "played" with it, it worked out. I would use this for group projects. I would teach the students about google docs and have them use it for group papers. That way I could pair up students across the room. They could help each other edit and turn in one single paper. Great for my grading!

Cassie said...

I was really confused at first but with help finally figured out what I was doing. This would be great for students so you could have them read about the subject and then could have a class discussion. They wouldn't have to search for hours and it would be very convienent. It helps to communicate and let them talk to you without too much hassle.

jennyo said...

I like google docs. I think it can be easy to use once you get the hang of it. I think it would be great to use in the classroom such as we did tonight, also to post letters to parents on upcoming events and activities, etc. It makes it easy to communicate with students, parents, other teachers, etc.

Mueller said...

Google Docs is great. One problem is that if you have a doc already created in Word and try to upload it, it doesn't always work. However I thought the chance to publish a page was so much fun.

I would love to use this in group work with my students just like here. Last night I and my group for another class were here in the lab together going crazy. If we would have done it from each of our own homes I could have been there to put my kids to bed and still work with my group. So something I could do with my students is have them create a group paper together and do it from home instead of getting together at school or the library. It is great!!!

Mrs. Rogers said...

I enjoyed doing this project today as a group because it helped me understand how to use the document program a little bit better. I am excited to use this tool in school because my students will be able to look at a website and explore it at home and at school. This will help students have a better time learning about a certain subject.

mkoller said...

I thought docs was really confusing. Its a pain when people are editing and you have to keep hitting refresh to see what changes they have made. On the upside docs will be very helpful when people have to write group papers such as research or lesson plans for classrooms.

To use it in the classroom you could have students get together and decide what was there favorite book then have them do a group webpage about the book. Or if the students were to do a group research paper then they could revise it together.

Mrs. Bean said...

I like google docs. I've been using them for a while and just love being able to save all my work there.

it would be good to encourage my future students to back their work up on google docs so in case something happens they have an extra copy. I also think it would be cool to use google docs to collaborate with kids from other schools!!

It might be a cool way for me to correct student work. Give them feed back and have them fix what I recommend. all they have to do is share the document with me.

I read some of the other comments and I think Alex has a great for US to use it when doing group projects so we can do it from our own home.

Carrie said...

I think this was great to learn. It will help in group projects. People can equally help in writing in the paper and we all have access to see the correction as they are made.
I loved the activity we did in class and how we posted on the web. It would be fun for the kids to do the same things. It would also help students help correct each other paper using google docs.

Coverting Power Point Slide to a JPEG

Self Esteem

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