WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria

The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.

On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the Bernie Dodge site for webquests or Tom March.

This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.

Blog Assessment

1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Web 2.0

Click on the Web 2.0 link, view the video and tell us what did you think?
Web 2.0 link


Andrea said...

i think it's all mind boggling how far we've come and the monster we've created in such a short period of time. this video raises the same questions (and more) about what the limits are and who is policing the internet and what happens there. it's fascinating and scary at the same time!

jennyo said...

I am amazed at how much the internet grows constantly. We have come a long way very quickly. Technology moves very fast. It does raise a lot of questions regarding the internet. What are the limitaions, if any? Who controls everything? What will the internet be like in 1, 5, 10, 20 years? It is very amazing to me and very over whelming.

Lori Staheli said...

I am also in awe at how fast the internet constantly grows. With a blog being created every 1/2 a second, I am reminded of how careful we need to be when online. We really do need to rethink privacy, ethics, and ourselves. There are a lot of people out there, we have to be careful with what we take from and put online.

Bridgette said...

I think that the growth of the internet even in the last couple of years in phenomenal. This video made me think about all the resources that are out there, but also the need to make sure we don't use others stuff with out permission. It is amazing how fast the internet has grown and all the place we are going!

Mrs. Pettit said...

My first thought was the joy I felt using the new selectric that had a backspace key for whiteouts!! Oh my!! Today we're all so well-connected which makes our world smaller, yet larger with the neverending possibilities. How do we keep up and not just hear about, but understand and get a grip on what's new? A forever challenge.

UtahGlamGals said...

Thinking about the web getting bigger and bigger as time goes on can be so intimidating when you think about it too much. I think the web is a fantastic tool, but it makes me wonder where we will go from here?

Cassie said...

I thought it was fascinating. It really makes you think of how fast technology is growing and how much more there will be to learn.

Anonymous said...

it was a quick video with explaining the benefits and convenience of using technology verses the old classic ways of researching. it's stressful for me to see this cause it makes me realize how much i don't know BUT i know that i will learn through these courses in the program. it is pretty fascinating though.

Mrs. Rogers said...

It was interesting to see on the video how the method of using a pencil and paper to express ourselves has dramatically dropped in popularity. Now, all we have to do is create things on the internet and other computer programs. This is a very convenient for each of us to do.

Christy House said...

This certaily gives us a lot to think about regarding technology and the direction we are headed with it. Technology is usually designed to make life easier but in the wrong hands is definitely dangerous. I have some of the same questions as others who have commented. Who does regulate the internet?

atom said...

This video brought to my mind how technology isn't just for "techy" people. Programs are being made more simple to use everyday so that it can be used by ordinary people. Is the ease of being able to get info out there a good thing? - Not sure!

Stephanie said...

Most of this I was already aware of. As more and more people are connected to the internet, the internet will grow and along with it our understanding will also grow. It's interesting how much having access to information can change an understanding or pwespective.

Wendy Ahlman said...

I loved this video, it was fast, fun and the music was great! Isn't this all any of us want right now? I think what this video is showing us, is that the technology world has gone way beyond cut and paste. I'm excited to learn as many new things as I can about technology from this class to be a better teacher. Also technology is really fast, fun, and sometimes the music I'm singing is great!

Carrie said...

Wow, that was fun to see some of the ways that I use the computer to make my life easier. For example writing has become so much easier for me. I can just hit the backspace instead of having earser marks all over my paper. Also, I realized I need to get out and try new things on the computer. There is so much available to learn.

Mrs. Bean said...

Still not understanding what XML is. But I am annoyed at myself for barely knowing anything in HTML and then now I feel like I need to know XML. At any rate I like what the video said at the end about needing to rethink stuff like copy write, ethics, etc. I love also that this movie highlighted the way back machine b/c NOTHING is lost on the web. I can look back to 2003 and see the way my blog looked then. It’s come a log way.
-Kirsten Bean
section 601

Anonymous said...

What an amazing video! I never realized how much the internet is growing, and how much we are learning from it. I found the statement "We are the machine" very interesting. I never thought of it that way. However, when i think about it,that statement is very true. We help create and expand technology; therefore, we in turn, become the machine.

Anonymous said...

I could absolutely not believe it when it said that 100 billion web pages are being visited every day! Obviously, I knew that people all over the world use the internet but 100 billion is a huge number! It made me think about whether or not I have the knowledge to make good decisions when it comes to using this resource.

Unknown said...

It was amazing to see how fast technology is growing. It is becoming very important to me to stay on top of new technology.

Mrs. Gustafson said...

How far we have come! I was overwhelmed watching the video because of what kind of technology is being created out there. It worried me because I am still behind and don't learn as fast as some of the kids out there do. It is so amazing also to think of where we WILL be 5 years from now, can I keep up with how fast it is moving? Maybe they will make a technology that will be able to help people like me do that! ;)

Kara and Tyler said...

That was very interesting. It brought up ideas, facts, and questions I haven't thought of before. It is crazy how far technology and the internet has come. Very interesting.

amber said...

I love how far technology has come. I am so glad that formatting of the text is not such a big deal anymore. I can know take text from on place to another and not have to worry about the content. However it presents more problems with plagerism and copyrighting. I do think that along with improvments come negative affects. Technology is taking us to new levels of thinking. I am excited!!!

Mrs. Segbefia said...

It was really interesting what has happened to the way we think and the way we interact with the world around us. Technology has come so far and is continuing to move farther and its moving fast!

Mueller said...

The video "Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us" reminded me a lot of The Terminator. It is crazy how much we are depending on and teaching the Internet. I'm afraid that one day it really is going to rise up, take us over, kill us, or make us slaves! The video was done very creatively to represent (as I interpreted it) what text or writing once was and now what it is and becoming. Text once was "set in stone" literally. Now with the click or touch of a button a word can take you anywhere. The benefit, or danger, is in every time we do go somewhere with a word we leave footprints to be followed and learned from, each time giving and gaining knowledge.

em said...

Cool. I enjoyed the music. It actually made me feel like technology was being created right there and then. I found it interesting as to how much we use the computer and how much it does for us. Way cool. I enjoyed it.

Mrs. Barlow said...

the video was super cool! Technology gives us so many opportunities we would not otherwise have. It moves so fast!!

mkoller said...

Technology has enhanced so many different things. They way we communicate with people is so different then it used to be now you can talk to someone in different forms. And which ever form you choose you can add many things to it to accent it so that it looks like your type of personality.

Seven Times Lucky said...

Wow it is crazy how fast technology is growing!! It is overwhelming to think about all the questions this video raises, but it was fascinating!

Anonymous said...

It amazed me that 100 billion times per day humans click on a Web page. Watching this video made me even more aware of the fact that information on the internet can be created in a matter of minutes. (YouTube, Blogs, etc.) The exciting but scary thing is that anyone in the world can view what you have created. The music tied in with the information presented perfectly!

Mrs. Wilson said...

I thought it was crazy how fast the internet is growing everyday. It also makes you think how careful you have to be. It makes you realize just how safe you need to be online.

Courtney Gray said...

scary and amazing.

Mallory Murphey said...

Oh my goodness, I love seeing change within our lives! It is amazing how far we have come in this day and age. I love learning new information and being up to date; however, I am worried about not learning fast enough. I look forward to what the future bring!

Anonymous said...

Wow!I knew the internet was constantly growing but I had no idea just how fast. A new blog is created every 1/2 second? Amazing! I wonder... is it possible for the internet to become "too large"?

Whitney Easton said...

It is crazy how fast the internet is/has grown in such a short time. It is scary to try to keep up with technology as it moves so rapidly!

Whitney Aston said...

The video represented how quickly our society really is changing. Technology is changing our society. We have to be careful though, that it doesn't change too much. The very last comments about technology changing family and ourselves... do we really want our family and identities to molded by technology?
- Whitney Aston -

Anonymous said...

I think it's wonderful how we've gotten to the point where we really don't have boundaries. All kinds of information is available at just a click. Distance, space and time don't matter. However, we must exercise caution and discretion. The machine may be able to "think", but it's still not human with our abilities to use logic and discernment.

Unknown said...

First I want to say, I'm so glad we don't have to write everything by hand anymore. Like it showed in the video, it is so much easier to edit and link things by computer. The world is connected through machines, but the machines wouldn't be they way they are without us. It's neat that we all can share some of ourselves with the rest of the world by creating a blog, videos, ideas, or other things. That can also be a scary thought too. Overall, I think it's really neat how technology is coming about. It makes me excited now to look forward to more creations.

Mrs. Nolan said...

What an amazing video! It is crazy how far we have come. Technology is everywhere now and it is making things so much easier and faster for us. I am so very glad I am in this class so that I can learn and grow in the technology world and make things easier for my students too!

Renee Ostrom said...

I enjoyed this video. It is amazing how fast the internet has and is growing. I do like that with the blogs we don't need to enter codes like we did with uen. It is much easier to learn and use.

missabbeyashton.blogspot.com said...

I honestly still get overwhelmed whenever I think and learn about technolgy. I guess I just need to get there one step at a time.

C. J. said...

I used to work on the internet was it was called "DDN" and I am amazed at how far technology has come. Even though the internet has become easier to use and access, in my opinion, it has become even more overwhelming. Has I looked at recent advancements, I can only wonder, "WHAT NEXT?"

Coverting Power Point Slide to a JPEG

Self Esteem

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