WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria

The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.

On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the Bernie Dodge site for webquests or Tom March.

This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.

Blog Assessment

1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.

Monday, October 20, 2008

"Creative Commons "What is it?"

For this week surf Creative Commons
Explain the following:
What is Creative Commons?
Why is Creative Commons important?
How do you use the Creative Commons Search? Provide an example.

Watch the Creative Commons Video

Digital Storytelling Lesson

Create a section on your blog center around digital storytelling.
Answering the questions may all be weaved into the lesson under #4.
1. Explain what it is, how you would use digital storytelling as a teacher and how you would use it in your classroom.
2. Select 3 websites you would have your students surf to learn about digital storytelling. I have some on the blog but you may Google digital storytelling and/or video for the classroom to see if there are other websites you like better.
3. Select a video download it for students to watch as a good example in understanding digital stories.
4. Set up a lesson you would use in the classroom for students to create their own digital story. Don’t forget about the digital storytelling process, use of images, music, creative commons, format structure, objective, what you read about digital stories etc..

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thoughts Covering Storyboarding

What is a storyboard? It's a place to plan out your digital story in two dimensions.

The first dimension is time: what happens first, next, and last.
The second is of interaction: how does the voiceover (your story) interact with the images, how do visual transitions and effects help tie together the images, how does the voiceover interact with the musical soundtrack?
Any element can interact with any other one, and the storyboard is the place to plan out the impact you intend to make on the audience.

If you're laying out your storyboard and find lines and lines of text under any one picture, rethink your script or your images. Can the script be cut down and the image left to speak the missing words?

If the text remains long, can more than one image illustrate the essential words?
You may also want to use some effects to extend the viewer's interest in a single still image. Don't forget to let the images speak for themselves, and use less words to say the rest.

If you know Power Point, Inspiration, or Word you can make your storyboard on the computer or use the storyboard forms I provided in class. You will also find two copies on the blog. Any of these methods will work. Do whatever is convenient and easy for you.

A storyboard will speed your work in many ways. It will show you where your voiceover should be cut before you record, and it will show you that you have too few or two many images.

With your storyboard and script in hand, it's time to digitize your materials.

For those interested in telling their story as a future teacher take time to view this video: Coming Full Circle this is a letter to a former teacher created by a graduate student at Montclair State University, that outlines the many factors that influenced his decision to enter teaching.

Take time to watch some other examples digital stories for story idea.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Beginnings of a Digital Story

For Wednesday
1. Have your topic
2. Start your story board with what/how you think your story will be laid out: beginning, middle, ending.
3. Have some research completed about your story.
4. Create a folder on your flash/jump drive to start storing your movie information, content, images, sound, audio, etc...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Digital Storytelling Reading

Please take time to read the different Digital Storytelling websites this will help in creating your own story for the classroom. Think about what you are reading/viewing in how you can use it for the classroom or for student learning. The movie you will be creating will need to be educationally based. We will discuss the criteria more in class.
When you come to class have your topic ready to go.

Coverting Power Point Slide to a JPEG

Self Esteem

Here is a video I watched on Mallory's Blog it is about student's self esteem. It unique and original. The combination of images, text, and music are striking. I wanted to share it with you all I hope you like.

Ordinary People

Great video to show it all starts with ordinary people. Let me know what you think.

How To Create a Blog Video

Here is the video you can view and below is a document you can print and use. Over the week try to create a blog just posting. For your first post tell us about who you are, why you want to teach, fun things you like to do, etc...