WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria
The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.
On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the
Bernie Dodge site for webquests or
Tom March.
This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.
Blog Assessment
1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.
"Creative Commons "What is it?"

For this week surf
Creative CommonsExplain the following:
What is Creative Commons?
Why is Creative Commons important?
How do you use the
Creative Commons Search? Provide an example.
Watch the Creative Commons Video
Creative commons is a way we can share our work with others and give credit to the author.
It is a way to share ideas with different groups of people that have different views and ideas.
When we create something we own it. We can use creative commons to let people use our work but still get the credit we deserve for the project. We can also use other people ideas and we can find out which part they are willing to share with the public.
Creative commons is set up so that others can use our creativity and share it with others, and when we use other materials from somebody else we give credit to the author. It is a great way to share ideas and creativity with the world. They give you a license when you create something that says it is your own, but you can set the requirements for it. You can let people view it, and you can let people view it and modify it to use it for what they need.
Creative Commons is making sure credit is given to authors if someone else uses their work. Creative commons give us the chance to share our own ideas with others and let us use others ideas. Basically it is copyright laws that don't require the authors permission because it is already stated what can and cannot be used. Ensures that whoever creates things, that are used by others, receives credit for their idea.
Creative Commons provides us with free tools that let us as teachers easily mark our creative work. It guarantees that we get credit work for the work we did.
It is important because when we create something we automatically own the rights to it. Creative commons allows us to share our ideas with others as well as allow them to use our work. We can determine how and what others can do with our creation. A lot of the time as educators we want to share our ideas with others and creative commons allows us to do that.
Creative Commons makes it possible for us to legally share everyone's copyrighted creative works. People all around the world can reuse, remix, and add their own touch to someone else's work and still give them credit for it.
It is important becuase it gives us legal access to a wealth of information and helps keep us honest.
A Creative Commons search can be done through the Google search bar on Firefox. In a way, it is a disadvantage for those of us who do not use Firefox. It looked really easy, though.
Creative commons takes copyright to a whole new level. It allows us to protect our creativity and collaborate with others to enhance what is already there.
I really like how individualized Creative commons is. It allows people to chose exactly how they want their ideas and creations used. I love that it is free. I definately will use it, and will encourage my students to do so as well.
Creative commons opens the way to new ideas and creations. People with great creativity can work with others creativity to come up with something great.
Creative Commons was created so that your creativity might be joined with the creativity of others around the world. It gives you a chance to create something then to see how it could be even better than what you started with and when you're done you are the author of your creation. Fun.
This program is a great way to connect with others from around the world. It would be fun to use this program to get more ideas than what you had initially came up with from the beginning.
Creative commons search: go to search.creativecommons.com or use firefox web browser. then type in what you want to build off of or use. I typed in mountain men and found a website that talked about a lot of historical things that you can borrow or build on (it's acutally a wiki)
CC makes it possible to do more than just a copy write law allows you to do. with CC you can specify what type of specifications people have to use your work.
this is important so that information and creativity can be shared so that everyone can be enriched and bettered becuase of it.
Creative Commons is a revised copyright that allows some uses or editing of an authors, artists, or anyone elses work for free.
Creative Commons is important because it allows you to use other peoples creativity without having to ask permission and also share your ideas with others.
Creative Commons allows individuals to share their creative works with some rights reserved. This means there is not a copyright (all rights reserved), and it is not public domain (no rights reserved), but allows sharing with some rights.
Creative Commons is important because it helps individuals to share their works without worrying about being exploited. This way, individuals are able to shre their ideas without worrying about it being stolen.
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.[1] The organization has released several copyright licenses known as Creative Commons licenses. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of other creators. "Wikipedia".
Without Creative commons there would be no way for people to sohare their stuff with others and not have a lawsuit involved. It helps people to be able to create things and be able to share it with a broad range of users.
At the top of the screen there is a search engine where you can type in things that you are looking for. So i typed in King Tut because that is what our project is on. And then i clicked on flickr and it provided me with pictures that i could use in my presentation with out having to worry about stealing someone's copyright.
Creative commons is a way to ensure people get the credit they deserve.
It is important that we use this because if you take the time to create something, you would want the credit for it. Others feel the same way so it's vital that we not disrespect them by not giving them due credit.
Creative Commons provides free tools that let educators easily mark their work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright terms from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." It is a great way to share ideas with different people.
As teachers, we can use creative Commons to let others use our work while allowing us to retain the credit. This is a great way to connect with others and share creative ideas.
I really enjoyed creative commons; I even added it to my own blog to prevent anyone from taking my pictures and changing them from their original format.
It is a very friendly way for everyone to share their information or artistic creativity with the restrictions or credits you want attached.
Creative commons is a very important format for an individual to be able to express themselves and not be afraid of someone taking their ideas and not giving you credit for the usage.
Creative commons is a very important site to show your students. It will help you to explain the importance of copyright laws and what they mean and who they benefit.
How if we didn't have copyright laws anyone could take our music, movies, artwork, or any other creative picture or image we have spent time and money creating and change or resale it for a profit without our knowledge or any legal ramifications.
A way for you to secure your work but not restrict your work from peoples work is by using creative commons. This was an interesting video to learn about because first off it is free and secondly the sky is the limit. If you want to have some restrictions you can. There is no limit to the restrictions that you make on your creation. This makes it easy for teachers to collaborate and borrow/use others work to enhance their lesson plans.
I forgot to post an example to my comment about creative commons so here it is. I decided to do a search on mountain men and I searched flickr and found this amazing photo, that I am allowed to modify.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Creative Commons
In this video it talks about the creativity of this new and helpful website which is http://creativecommons.org. With this website, you can down load anything for free. First, you would have to get into the website then you would have to answer the questions they ask. These questions are telling people what they can and cannot do with your creativity. You can refine your copyright. Collaboration is a great thing for music, songs, pics, and written work that you can share with each other and even reuse.
Creativity is something that is to learn and be inspired by. Artist can build beauty in all areas in life. By using your own creativity, you can really strengthen people. This is great technology that can be shared and really help you as a teacher.
Creative Commons is a great source provided to us so that we can share our work with others and give credit where it is due.
Copy right laws have been set in place so that we can own what we create and others can't claim it, creative commons allows others to use our ideas but the author still gets the credit.
Creative Commons is a great place to go when you are in need of someone else's ideas that they have been willing to share!
I loved Creative Commons! Mainly for the fact that we can share what we create with others and still give credit where it is needed. I love that this provides every one the FREE opportunity to share their ideas with many different people.
This site allows us to use our own creativity; giving us a license for what we create and allowing us to set the requirements for it.
What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a way for us to share the work we create with the world. It is a way that others can, if we choose, can modify, view, ect. our work.
Why is Creative Commons important?
Creative Comms is because when we create something we own it. Using Creative Commons we can let other view our work and do what we alow them to do with our work. Using Creative Commons we can also view other peoples work and use it for our own.
It's really important to be able to protect our own work. When you've written a book, you've spent maybe years, of blood sweat and tears on your masterpiece. Once you're finished you get a copyright to protect your work to make sure no one else can use it and make it their own.
On the other hand, others are less possessive of their work. If others use and even change it to make it their own, that's fine with them, these are generous people. What I like about Creative Commons is that a person can clearly state what they will allow others to do with their work, which gives people a feeling of protection over their work.
Creative Commons is a great way that we all can share our work with each other. Creative Commons allows us to share our work but still get credit for it. We can put regulations on our work and make sure that we are letting people use what we want them to use but at the same time giving us the credit we deserve. We can do the same with other Author's work. We can use their ideas but give them credit as well. I loved the search engines!
Creative Commons is important because there are many ways that we can benefit from other author's material and they can also benefit from ours! It is important to share ideas to become better teachers but at the same time being able to regulate what we want to share with everyone and getting credit for what we do share.
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