Class goes by way too fast. By Wednesday 9-17-08 have completed the following:
1) A class calendar for the month of October. This calendar should be geared toward the grade, subject, and students you want to teach or are teaching.
It should be full of events, assignments, parent inforamtion ect... Think like a teacher what goes on during the month of October. You can use items you are working on in other classes that you will be using in the field.
2) On google docs write up information about halloween that you would want to share with elementary students. You can use pictures along with text. Here is a websites that may help:
History of Halloween You can write about the information you learned from the video, history of candy, foods,etc...

Don't stress over this assignment, have fun with it, use the website that is posted, and create a document (which we will publish) picking one area to tell about Halloween. The website has several areas you can pick from.
Pick two classmates to share your Halloween document with.