WebQuest Final Exam Project Criteria

The final exam is a team effort. As a team you will create a WebQuest. The WebQuest will follow the guidelines from the lecture. The technology program used will be Power Point. Each team will present their WebQuest and provide the instructor a Print out of the 3Slide Handout. The final exam presentation may not be made up if missed.

On your blog (this can be completed as a post) you need to create a WebQuest section outlining what a WebQuest is, how you would have students use the webquest you created, provide 2-3 web sites where students would surf to learn more about webquests and/or look at examples of webquests, provide appropriate design. You can use the Bernie Dodge site for webquests or Tom March.

This part of the final exam is due 12-18-08.

Blog Assessment

1. Overall design and layout is artful and enhances the readability of the information presented.
2. Blog is organized.
3. Demonstration of creating and using gadgets, posts, links, templates and use of visuals, pictures, and video to enhance the content and create interest.
4. Design for appropriate grade level.
5. All links work, websites are age specific and appropriate for content and classroom use.
6. All content is written clearly and concisely and there are no text errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
7. All content points instructor in the right direction in understanding and obtaining information on assignments.
8. The typography is easy-to-read and font size varies appropriately for headings and text.
9. Your Blog should be finalized by 12-18-08.

Monday, December 1, 2008

WebQuest Project

Creating a webquest will be your final project. The presentation of webquest will be 12-15-08 at 5:00 pm.
Review the Bernie Dodge, WebQuest, view the webquest video and tell us what you think and how WebQuests are being used in the classroom.


Cassie said...

I think that webquests are used in the classroom to help students learn how to access certain information already reviewed by a teacher. I think webquest.org is great for teachers to use. It makes a great resource for teachers and future teachers.

Bridgette said...

Webquests are used by students to help guide their research of a particular topic. It is a way to help students learn about a subject but doesn't leave them to the vast space of Google! It allows students to use technology with their learning which helps keep their attention because they are familiar with the fast pace of technology. I think web quests are great and it is awesome that webquests.org already has ton that we can use, as well as the tools to make our own. This should be a great project, and a fun tool to use in the rest of our field experiences as well as our future classrooms.

Anonymous said...

Webquests are great for teachers and for students. It makes learning much easier and exciting for students. Webquests can help with cooperative learning and helps the students minds grow and develop. This is a great resource for teachers and a great learning tool for students.

Mrs. Rogers said...

There are many school classrooms like "Ms. Barbara's class" I can think of. Where students don't ever do anything new. They do the same type of assignments on a daily bases. Webquests are an awesome thing for teachers to hook their students. It's new, exciting, and fun. Webquests help students be better thinkers, and it promotes cooperative learning. They are extremely great especially when your class has access to a computer lab!

Lori Staheli said...

Web Quests are neat! They are a great way to get students engaged and thinking instead of being bored with the same old things. They can be used for virtually any subject in the classroom and limit the items our students can view. Webquest.org had some great ideas for a ton of topics and will be a great resource to us in the future.

Carrie said...

I browsed through some different web quests and loved them. I can see how much fun the students could have finding the information on their own to answer the questions. They get to explore the sites and learn more than is even being asked. Webquest is a great way for you to guide the students to research different topics to get the kids interested. And my favorite part is that it's different then the worksheet you put in front of them. It makes learning fun.

Mrs. Gustafson said...

Webquests are a great way to get students active in their learning. Because they have to research a topic to find the answers and to make a final project, it encourages discovery and learning in different ways. I think students would love using this and as a future teacher I would love using i also.

em said...

I'm excited to use webquests because it is another way to help enforce learning and it helps students to gain a better understanding of the material that we are learning. Also, it is more hands on giving the students a chance to teach themselves and also for them to do it themselves.

Mrs. Whitby said...

what a wonderful resource to help teachers enhance their lessons or Language arts section on literature. I am very nervous to do our webquest project but at the same time I am excited to learn how to make it all happen as well. It was fun to see all of the different ideas people have come up with.

Seven Times Lucky said...

Webquests are so exciting for students. In the classroom, students are bored with regular direct instruction lessons and they need the diversity in assignments. Webquests guide their learning and allow the students to be in charge of what they learn which motivates them as well. It is fun and wonderful!

UtahGlamGals said...

I think WebQuests are an awesome resource for the classroom. Not only do the students get exposed to technology in the classroom, they are researching the topic themselves and learning so much more! Any time you have to research a topic rather than just reading about it or hearing about it, you learn so much more, and remember it better as well!

amber said...

I really enjoyed the movies I viewed on the blog about webquests. The first movie was very informative and helped me to better understand just what a webquest is. The second movie was not so great because there was no audio and a lot of text to read. But It did make a good point about how students get tired of the same routine. They need change and investigative assignments. The video on the Salem Witch Trial webquest was really neat. The student seemed to really be engaged in the assignment. The webquest task was interesting and it would really require the students to analyze the time period.
I searched through Bernie Dodge website and found some great webquests that could easily be incorporated into an inquiry lesson plan. One webquest I found was based on Credit Cards. It was made for high school students. The task for them was to find interest rates, payments, how much they could loan etc. This would be a great way to help kids prepare for the future and understand finance.
One other webquest that I found was designed for 2nd grade. I was all about owning a pet. I loved it. The students were supposed to find information on their favorite animal and the task was to decide if they could really take care of it.
These webquests were engaging. I really like Bernie Dodge's site and I think it will be very valuable to me as a teacher.

jennyo said...

I think webquests are a lot of fun for the class. It was fun to see all the different examples. I think that it can be a lot of help to the students to learn about certain topics and be safe on the internet. It also makes it a lot of fun, so it isn't a boring lesson! It is something they would enjoy researching and it makes it fun! I think it will help for the future when students do research projects to know that it can be fun and exciting. I think it is a great resource for students and teachers.

Kirsten said...

salem witch trials
this is so great! the music in the background was very appropriate. The girl speaking was very clear and did not stumble. You could tell they had to use video editing software to make this work. Impressive! I think it must have taken a little effort to be able to get this done.

Why use WebQuests:
A wonderful summary as to why WebQuests are important. It looked like it could have been done using photostory. I see now that they can be fun and help students learn.

Webquest 101
This starts to explain how important deep meaningful questions are and the actual set up of a WebQuest. This is a great review from the power point we went over in class. I think WebQuests sound wonderful! I wont have to lecture in front of the class for students to learn and they will enjoy learning more.

the website:
the best part about a WebQuest is that it if done correctly, it uses thinking that is not just summarizing, but actually evaluating and problem solving. A good WebQuest will use higher level thinking. A real WebQuest takes adult jobs and scales them down to something a child could do. To me it doesn't seem like just using the technology is what really helps the students learn. It's what the children are being asked to do with the information they get from technology that is beneficial.

Kirsten said...

sorry... this is Kirsten Bean... Mrs. Bean.... my other online name is eddie the girl.

mkoller said...

I think that webquests give students a new way of using technology. They are exploring many different websites but at the same time its guided learning because they are directed towards which ones to go to. I think webquests are also alot more fun for students to gather information than trying to look through encylopedias that are ten years old. It also gives them a way to be creative and to use their imagination. As i was searching on bernie dodges webquests there were some pretty awesome topics one about ghost busters and how the kids are each assigned parts of the topic to research. so i think webquests also give an oppertunity for students to work in teams. Which will help them in the real world.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we're learning to make WebQuests! The short video about the Salem Witch Trials even got me excited to learn! I can't imagine what it would do for elementary school students. I actually went through a WebQuest about the Civil War and learned so much. This will be great to use in our classrooms to encourage higher thought, promote cooperative learning and get students motivated to learn.

Mrs. Barlow said...

After the experience I had in field, I have been trying to think of fun things to make learning exciting for students. I think Webquests would be a great way for students to do research because they are learning about something new in a safe way, and getting to use technology to do it. In field I saw the class using encyclopedias for research and I think webquests could have made that experience so much better for some of those students!

Mrs. Mecham said...

WebQuests are a helpful way for students to have fun researching as specific topic. WebQuests help students to have fun with learning and learning in a different way.
WebQuests are used in the classroom so students can explore a particular sopic by using the internet. WebQuests sound really great and fun for students.

Stephanie said...

I think that webquests are a great way for students to go on their own discovery learning advanture where they get to form their own opinions about the content and then defend their point of view using the information they found while doing the webquest.

Mrs Petersen said...

I think that webquests are used by students to properly help them find the information they are looking for. This a great tool for teachers, because it takes children directly to the material in which they are searching for. Aside from this, it cuts down the general time it takes to find information on the internet, and therefore, makes it much easier for the teacher and the student. I also like webquests, because it engages the students in the learning, and actually makes learning fun. I can't wait to use this in my classroom!

Mrs. Segbefia said...

Webquests are used to teach students about things that matter in their lifes. They are a guided way to teach them how to find the information they need off the web. I wish we would have had these activities when I was in school because I really think they would have helped us as students learn more effectively the things they wanted us to learn. I really like the introduction movie to the salem witch trials webquest and think that is an effective introduction to get the students excited about learning!

Wendy Ahlman said...

Webquests are amazing! We can give our students a wealth of knowledge, even using scaffolding. What I like about webquests is that it's a way for us as teachers to control the type of information a student is getting. This is much safer than some of the online search engines such as google.

Unknown said...

I think webquests are a fun way to help students learn about and researach a certain topic or subject. It allows students to use technology and have fun while learning. It is a great resource and I am excited to use them in my class!

Coverting Power Point Slide to a JPEG

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